NCA Board Meeting Minutes, September 18, 2014

La Floresta

The meeting was called to order at 2:15pm, and a quorum was declared.

Present: Bill Friend, Doug Friend, Nancy Allan, Shannon Blair, Lori Skoda, Amy Friend.

The Minutes of August 27 were approved as reviewed.

Finance: Nancy

  • discussed aspects of office operation with Paulo. He provided a list of his current duties.
  • Amy moved, Shannon seconded that Eduardo be engaged to restructure NCA financial reporting, plus other tasks. He will close each month, plus financial year-end. Carried.
  • Nancy is working with Lilia and Alfonso to create job descriptions, office procedures, sponsors’ agreements so that they are fully informed of what is expected and how money is spent, also Board members’ responsibilities, etc.

Events: Shannon and Nancy

  • the cost for LCS space has increased dramatically, so the proposed Kasbah event there would not be very profitable. Other ideas were reviewed.
  • A rented stand at the Chili Cook-Off: Shannon will inquire regarding the conditions and costs. Several ideas for saleable and profitable items were discussed.
  • Monday market: Amy will call Maggie or Tina Jones to ask what cost is involved.
  • 2015 Kasbah Summer event: possibly hold in La Floresta, with themed meal and band. Elegant, with valuable door prize, rental tents / chairs / tables.
  • Valentine’s Day Event 2015: It is planned to proceed with this. Shannon will reserve February 14, 2015 at Montecarlo. Doug will check the community bulletin board to determine what other events may be planned. Print and sell tickets early! Previous parking difficulties resolved. Corporate sponsors.


  • no response from Eliberto regarding resolution of the Swentik file. Bill will review the file, then contact Susana for update, establish further action to be taken, plus a deadline.
  • requests Nancy consult Eduardo re O/H limits under which NCA has been operating.
  • Amy moved, Shannon seconded, that the minor remnants of monies from students who have dropped out, or sponsors who are no longer with the program be transferred to NCA overhead account. Any significant amounts will be followed up to determine the sponsor’s wishes, if he or she can be reached. Carried.


  • requests that we carry NCA brochures with us, so whenever we see a Bazar in action, we drop off a brochure requesting that unsold remainders might be donated to NCA’s Bazar.
  • Lori requests that a Certificate of Appreciation be made up for presentation to Tom Thomson of Barbara’s Bazar, recognizing his ongoing generosity.   Doug will work on the design, Amy suggests that we contact Judy King to publish the presentation photo in the Guad Reporter, together with a short article.   Doug and Amy action.

The meeting adjourned at 3:35pm. Next meeting Thursday, October 16, 2:00pm La Floresta.