Meeting of June 26, 2014
Present: Nancy Allan, Jim Dickinson, Sheila Dickinson, Doug Friend, Susan Johnson, Lori Skoda, Adriana Perez (Special Assistant), Susana Rodriguez (Visitor), Eliberto Velazques (Visitor).
The President opened the meeting by welcoming our visitors and declaring a quorum.
Minutes of Last Meeting
Susan moved and Lori seconded that the Minutes of the June 19 Board meeting be adopted as read. Unanimous.
The President raised the matter of Paulo’s proposal for creating a manual of office procedures, which all Board members said they had read. On Paulo’s suggestion that NCA issue monthly payments to students in private schools, and monthly support for food when the sponsor so specifies, Nancy suggested that Multiva bank could issue debit cards so we wouldn’t have to have cash in the office.
Nancy reported that the new law requiring electronic facturas for payments is increasingly not being observed by families. Nancy said that in February we had 63,000 pesos to disburse, but only 16,000 was covered by facturas, leaving 47,000 uncovered. NCA is accountable for insuring disbursements are covered by facturas.
Nancy said Paulo is withholding money not so covered. Big problem: can’t force famillies to bring in facturas. With debit cards and purchases in stores equipped for electronic facturas and RFCs, facturas come in automatically.
Shannon asked how successful was Paulo’s training of parents in the new law? Nancy replied that initially it was successful, but now the parents are increasingly not bringing in facturas.
Susan said parents should be required so sign a statement of responsibility obligating them to provide required documents. Nancy said Paulo’s proposal includes a provision that does just that. Nancy said she does not see why we need to make facturas for donations that we receive and then give out. They are not income, and NCA acts only as a trustee. She will ask Eduardo of Start Up Solutions to help her with this.
Doug moved, Shannon seconded that we create a committee to take care of drafting office procedures. All in favour.
Treasurer’s Report
Nancy said Paulo had printed out month-to-date reports for June, but these were incomplete, there are more data to be added. She has May complete, there is a loss reported, but this included scholarship payments, which gives a misleading impression. She will talk to Paulo to clarify that these are separate from NCA expenses.
Nancy noted that we have about $800,000 pesos in our account from sponsor donations.
Doug moved and Nancy seconded that they contact Start Up Solutions regarding factura difficulties, and also to further investigate issuing debit cards.
Next meeting to be 24 July at 1:30 pm, at the NCA office.