NCA Minutes July 17, 2014
NCA Project Office
The meeting was called to order at 4:15 pm, and a quorum was declared.
Present: Bill Friend, Doug Friend, Nancy Allan, Shannon Blair, Lori Skoda, Amy Friend.
Invited Guests: Lilia Quezada, Susan Henna.
The Minutes were tabled, discussion will be delayed until the Directors have had an opportunity to review. We should complete this process by the end of next week, July 25.
Lilia reviewed her weekly routines, also informed the Board that the student pictures are being updated, Karina is assisting. Progress is good. Letters to sponsors are almost done.
Lilia also holds another position with Love in Action, and finds the LIA plus NCA hours very long, she must leave NCA. However, she has found an excellent candidate, Susan Henna, to be her replacement. She thanked NCA for the opportunity to work with our organization, and will volunteer to assist in the transition phase, until her replacement is knowledgeable about the NCA system.
- explained NCA’s mission, background and tasks for Susan. She explained that we are looking for a team leader. Also that we really would like to have more Mexican sponsors. Susan is bi-cultural and bi-lingual, has many contacts within the Spanish-speaking population, and is very enthusiastic about the prospect of getting more Mexicans involved. She has significant formal training and experience in marketing and management. The question of working hours and remuneration will be addressed later.
- The new SAT Hacienda system which requires that students / families provide facturas for every purchase is not well understood by them. One solution is to use a bank card for the monies which are to be disbursed to the student. Bancomer provides such cards at a minimal cost, and there are Chapala and Ajijic branches.
- Nancy gave her financial review, and reported that sponsors are stepping up to pay their US$30 memberships. This, together with the upcoming fund-raiser, should put NCA in an improved financial position.
- stressed that we must have the required IJAS information, so that our report to them can be filed on time for July 24.
- he feels we should have an external evaluation of our internal procedures, both office and financial. Start Up Solutions is suggested. This would include a factura process review, and procedures set-up.
- The Power of Attorney previously held by Eliberto expired. Asuzanna was appointed as his replacement, but has since resigned.
- Eliberto was paid about $5,000 pesos several years ago to recover the Swentik bequest from IJAS.
- Requests that Directors give a timeline for their action items.
- Reminded us that we must make an addendum to the protocolized EGM Minutes, providing the named of sponsors attending and proxies.
- Updated by-laws will be posted on the website. Bill also restated that Article X applies to ordinary members, not to Directors.
Shannon moved and Doug seconded that the pending appointment of Eliberto as NCA’s legal counsel be revoked. Motion carried unanimously.
- A fund-raising event is moving along well, to be held August 5, 3:00 – 7:00 pm, at Agustin’s restaurant, Viva Mexico, in San Juan Cosala.
- 75 tickets will be printed, to sell for $250 pesos.
- NCA’s net food cost is $80 pesos, and Agustin will split bar profits with us.
- Shannon is picking up the decorations tomorrow.
- It is suggested that Karina, who works part-time at the Bazaar, take over the weekly NCA presence at the LCS. She is very good at working with the public.
- Bazar sales were good last month, down a bit now.
- It’s suggested that NCA re-instate the monthly “Mom’s Meetings” at the Swentik Center.
- The donated station wagon has been driven to the US border, to be plated as a Mexican vehicle. The cost was $US 1,620.
The next meeting will be July 31, 1:30 pm, in La Floresta.
The meeting adjourned at 6:20 pm.