Present: Bill, Tim, Doug, Nancy, Shannon, Nicole, Amy
Absent: Susan, Lori
Minutes from last meeting are accepted as reviewed. Moved by Tim, seconded by Nancy.
CCO Sign-up: Doug will email to the Board the form for NCA volunteers to sign up for duty at the CCO. Bob of CCO asks if any one of us wishes to enter the Margarita or Chili contests. We will bring NCA brochures to the CCO.
Susan has taken over the LCS / NCA presence. Some rotation will be required for those times when Susan is not available.
Shannon will check at the NCA office to see if there are sufficient T-shirts bearing the NCA logo for the Board to wear to the CCO event.
NCA Valentine’s Day Gala
- Re the Valentine’s Day fund-raiser, 150 tickets have been printed. Tables are round, and can accommodate 6 – 8 diners.
- A poster board with pictures of NCA students waiting for sponsorship will be on view, and brochures will be given out. Information sheets and sign-up sheets will be provided.
- We all will check to see if we have extra rope lights for use at the event.
- Lori will look after getting staff to assist.
- Need to check to see if we still have drink tickets from last year.
- Chocolate candy will be given out: dark, milk, white, and sugar-free. Rosi of Chapala will provide the treats at wholesale, will sell at the fund-raiser and split the profits with NCA.
- Also flowers will be given out to guests. Amy will bring baskets to hold various hand-outs.
- RE the bar: Doug will make Margaritas.
- The floral centrepieces on the tables will be marked with a $50 peso price tag.
- Silent Auction: Everyone donating provide the value of the item plus suggested opening bid. We need more Silent Auction items… a thought for Lori: are there nice items at the Bazar which would be suitable?
- Federico Enciso Ramos has offered to create something for the Silent Auction.
- Tim Welch has donated two tickets to a Cantantes del Lago concert. (need to have a coupon for this.)
- Regarding LLT, Amy will see if they will do likewise. Amy will try to canvass other merchants.
- Lori, please check to see if we have a cash box.
- Need to take care that last-minute bids are not sneaked in after the bidding has closed. Amy will bring an old-fashioned school bell to signal the close.
- The lights will go up the night of the 10th, and be removed Monday.
- Program: 5:00 – 6:00 cocktails, 6:00 – 7:00 buffet, 7:30 – 10:00, Band. 9:45 pm Last Call. 8:30 Silent Auction closes, 9:00 50/50 auction closes. Note: must have a highlighter to mark the S.A. closing bid.
- Doug will print up S.A. Bidding pages.
- Susan is making tissue paper flowers for decorations.
- Pat is making foam heaqrts for the game.
- “Mike and the Suspects” band donate their services without cost.
- Valentine’s Game: paper hearts are awarded to win a large floral arrangement. 5 hearts to every new sponsor, 1 heart for every cash donation.
- Two students will be chosen to tell of their success stories, Lilia will assist with translation. The students will be selected by Nancy and Lilia.
- Is reviewing financials, and will have them posted on the web very soon.
- With reduced staff expenses, NCA is saving $8000 pesos monthly.
- There are no longer long distance charges in Mexico, which should further assist in savings. Nancy wishes to make expanded use of Facebook for informing students, to save on cellular expense.
- Every effort is being made to reduce expenses: for instance, students wil helpwith the building repairs, painting, etc.
- Nancy and Doug attended an important meeting with IJAS, and were surprised to see how many senior officials were there. The first NCA report is complete and submitted, and the second one is almost complete, to be submitted soon. Irma of IJAS is very happy with us. Irma suggests asking students from the UdeG to assist NCA, since they are required to perform some public service: this would benefit both parties.
- Suggested that new sponsors be asked if they would be willing to add 10% for overhead costs in addition to the cost of sponsorship? We are consistently short of funds to support overhead.
- Doug will set up a FB blog.
- will email passwords to access the new student / sponsor database.
- Will send out sponsor letter regarding the date of the AGM: March 5.
- Amy will place the ads legally required in the Guad Reporter.
Tim suggest we meet briefly before the AGM
Amy reviewed the proposed NCA Board slate to be presented at the AGM.
- President Bill Friend
- Vice-President Dr. Tim Whiting
- Treasurer Nancy Allan
- Secretary Amy Friend
- Director Webmaster Doug Friend
- Director Special Events Shannon Blair
- Director at Large Lori Skoda
- Director at Large Susan Johnson
- Director at Large Nicole Belinne
All will prepare brief cv’s and photos to be sent to Doug for posting.
Tim moved and Nicole seconded that the meeting be adjourned.