2019-05-06: Board Meeting Minutes

Los Niños de Chapala y Ajijic—NCA

NCA May 6

President Doug Friend called the May 6, 2019 meeting of the Board of Directors of los Niños de Chapala y Ajijic, AC (NCA) to order at 2:17 p.m.   Members present in addition to President Doug Friend were Vice- President Lana Ehlebracht , Secretary Susan Johnson, and Director at Large Cyndi Bosch. Directors at Large Dr. Tony Pinto and Nicole Belinne were absent.

  • President Doug declared a quorum.
  • The Board elected Ronald Gordon Hudson to the position of Director at large.
  • The Board discussed plans for the next fundraiser.
    1. It will be held in conjunction with Mexican Independence on Saturday, September 14, 2019, at the home of President Doug.
    2. Director at Large Cyndi will take care of the decorations.
    3. President Doug will be in charge of the tickets and posters.
    4. Director at large Ron will help set up the tables and chairs.
  • Secretary Susan advised that Office Student-Sponsor Liaison Kenia had received notice from the Ayuntamiento that Chapala municipal government officials plan to visit the NCA office at some future date. President Doug will follow up.
  • The Board discussed an estimate of $16,300 from a gardener for landscaping.
    1. The estimate was deemed questionable until more details are available.
    2. President Doug will follow up with Liaison Kenia.


  • Secretary Susan reported having located information about an alternative site for Prepa Abierta, giving students an option for Octavio Paz. It is Secundaria Técnica #83, Colinas de Chapala 63, Colonia Plaza de Toros, Chapala 45900.  Prospective students should show up on any Saturday with the following in hand: birth cetificate, Secundaria certificate, and CURP.
  • Secretary Susan advised that there was a student who needed immediate funding. President Doug will follow up with Office Manager Kenia.

The next Board meeting will be at 2:00 p.m. on June 10, 2019.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m.