Board Meeting Minutes, April 23, 2018

Los Niños de Chapala y Ajijic—NCA

Minutes of the 2018 Annual General Meeting

April 23, 2018

President Doug Friend called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. A quorum was not

present. The meeting was adjourned.

At 2:10 p.m. President Doug reconvened the AGM.

Treasurer Nancy Allan presented financial highlights.

• NCA income was more than 2 million pesos.

• President Doug and Treasurer Nancy described the need for fundraising projects

because by law 95% of the monies received from sponsors must be applied

directly to students. They reported significant income from participation in the

Chili Cook-off and a St. Patrick´s Day event.

• Expenses were up because of greater administrative costs related to the increase

in sponsored students.

• NCA has been cited by the Chapala Municipio for needed repairs to the building.

• NCA is within the budget.

• The details of the financial report and budget will be posted on-line at

The new Board was elected.

• As required, the current Board resigned.

• Doug presented a slate of candidates for the new Board and asked three times for

nominations from the floor.

• Jane Custer was nominated to join the slate.

• The new Board was elected by acclamation. They are:

President: Douglas Michael Friend

Vice-President: Lana McCoy Ehlebrecht

Treasurer: Nancy Allan

Secretary: Margaret Susan Johnson

Director at Large: Nicole Jules Belinne

Director at Large: Dr. Tony Pinto

Director at Large: Cynthia Dawn Bosch

Director at Large: Jane Kelley Custer

In new business, Ron Hudson expressed sincere and heartfelt appreciation to the Board

on behalf of all sponsors.

President Doug Friend and Secretary Susan Johnson were named to present the minutes

to Notary 5 for protocolization.

Following a brief discussion of student tutoring the meeting was adjourned at 2:40 p.m.

The new Board will meet on May 14 at the home of President Doug Friend.